As You Like It
Early Sketches
 Early stages of the design contemplated scaffolding as a possible design choice for the forest, but was later scratched due to its rigidity and industrial aesthetic.
 Early sketch, introducing the idea of bungee cords to suggest the forest of Arden.
 Potential scene for shadow acting.
Preliminary Floor Plan
SR Section
Front Elevation
Designer's Elevations
Captura de Pantalla 2020-01-08 a la(s) 23.57.53.png
Presentation model
  Shadow-acting screen on, with color field.
Production Pictures
  Photo by Laura Vitale
  Photo by Laura Vitale
  Photo by Laura Vitale
  Photo by Yvonne Chang
  Photo by Laura Vitale
  Photo by Laura Vitale
  Photo by Laura Vitale
  Photo by Laura Vitale
  Photo by Laura Vitale
  Photo by Yvonne Chang
  Photo by Laura Vitale
  Photo by Yvonne Chang
  Photo by Yvonne Chang
  Photo by Laura Vitale
  Photo by Laura Vitale
  Photo by Laura Vitale
As You Like It
As You Like It

“All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players…” - William Shakespeare

Directed by Natasha Staley

Lighting Design by Yvonne Chang

Costume Design by Laura Vitale

Early Sketches
Early Sketches

Exploration of potential for an elevated platform.

 Early stages of the design contemplated scaffolding as a possible design choice for the forest, but was later scratched due to its rigidity and industrial aesthetic.

Early stages of the design contemplated scaffolding as a possible design choice for the forest, but was later scratched due to its rigidity and industrial aesthetic.

 Early sketch, introducing the idea of bungee cords to suggest the forest of Arden.

Early sketch, introducing the idea of bungee cords to suggest the forest of Arden.

 Potential scene for shadow acting.

Potential scene for shadow acting.

Preliminary Floor Plan
Preliminary Floor Plan

SR Section
SR Section
Front Elevation
Front Elevation

The horizon of the design is a 13’ height opening to a projection screen for shadow acting and color fields. Two sliding panels, actor-operated, change the width of the opening depending of the shadow acting moment.

Designer's Elevations
Designer's Elevations
Captura de Pantalla 2020-01-08 a la(s) 23.57.53.png

3D modeling in SketchUpp Pro.

Presentation model
Presentation model

1/2” scale.

  Shadow-acting screen on, with color field.

Shadow-acting screen on, with color field.

Production Pictures
Production Pictures

Photo by Yvonne Chang

  Photo by Laura Vitale

Photo by Laura Vitale

  Photo by Laura Vitale

Photo by Laura Vitale

  Photo by Laura Vitale

Photo by Laura Vitale

  Photo by Yvonne Chang

Photo by Yvonne Chang

  Photo by Laura Vitale

Photo by Laura Vitale

  Photo by Laura Vitale

Photo by Laura Vitale

  Photo by Laura Vitale

Photo by Laura Vitale

  Photo by Laura Vitale

Photo by Laura Vitale

  Photo by Laura Vitale

Photo by Laura Vitale

  Photo by Yvonne Chang

Photo by Yvonne Chang

  Photo by Laura Vitale

Photo by Laura Vitale

  Photo by Yvonne Chang

Photo by Yvonne Chang

  Photo by Yvonne Chang

Photo by Yvonne Chang

  Photo by Laura Vitale

Photo by Laura Vitale

  Photo by Laura Vitale

Photo by Laura Vitale

  Photo by Laura Vitale

Photo by Laura Vitale
